Ginger Grass is a perennial growing herbaceous plant with long slender stems and terminal flowering tops. The grass source of the essential oil and is very fragrant.
Product Color:
Yellow to light brown liquid
Common Uses:
The aromatherapy uses for Ginger Grass Essential Oil include improvement of circulation and blood flow, calming and reduction of stress, as well as the opening of sinus passages. From a spiritual perspective Ginger Grass Oil is viewed as mood uplifting, euphoric and as aphrodisiac oil. In the perfumery industry, Ginger Grass Oil is added to inject a sharp, green scent particularly in men’s colognes.
Blends Well With
Cananga, Geranium, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Cedarwood and essential oils that are floral in nature.
Ginger Grass Oil can irritate sensitive skin. All topical applications should be carried out in dilution. Avoid use during pregnancy