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Moringa oil is obtained by pressing the seeds of Moringa Oilefera Tree. It is a very stable oil which is highly nutritious for the skin. This oil is much similar olive oil in composition but still it’s very light. Moringa oil is rich in Palmitoleic, Oleic and Linoleic acids, plus vitamins A and C. It has outstanding moisturising and nourishing qualities
Pale yellow to brownish yellow liquid.
Moringa oil is highly valued in cosmetic industries. It is considered to best for massage and aromatherapy applications. The oil finds application in a range of products including anti- aging cream, hair care products, soap and body wash, face cream, perfume and deodrant
Moringa is called Nebedaye, which means never die In many African languages. The Moringa plant is native to Northern India, where it was first described around 2000 BC as a medicinal herb. It is also known as The Miracle Tree. The Moringa tree spread eastward from India to the lower parts of China, Southeast Asia and the Philippines. From India It also spread westward to Egypt, the Horn of Africa, around the Mediterranean, and finally to West Indies in America. The moringa tree is grown mainly in semiarid , tropical , and subtropical areas. While it grows best in dry, sandy soil , it tolerates poor soil. It is a fast-growing, drought -resistant tree. Ancient Egyptian treasured Moringa oil, using it as protection for their skin from the ravages of desert weather. Later, the Greeks found many healthful uses for Moringa and introduced it to the Romans.