
Lavender Oil For Hair Growth: Does It Work?

Lavender oil, which is scientifically known as Lavendula Augustifolia has a very calming, sweet, and floral smell. But, why are we talking about Lavender oil all of a sudden? Well, Lavender oil benefits for hair have been in the industry for quite a long time but not many people are aware of the same. Did you also know that Lavender oil is very popular in aromatherapy and also helps to spike up your hair growth by two times? Lavender Essential oil benefits for hair are truly impeccable. It has major anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anxiolytic properties which help to rejuvenate your hair scalp deeply and strengthen your hair follicles.

If you are looking for a natural remedy to tackle dry and brittle hair which also suffers from major hair fall issues then definitely include lavender Essential oil in your routine. A few drops of lavender essential oil can do wonders for your hair and skin. For more than decades, lavender essential oil has been used extensively to nurture your hair and for other hair treatments. Not only this but the anti-inflammatory properties of lavender essential comes in very handy when talking about scalp care. Many people who suffer from itchy and irritated scalp, employ lavender essential oil along with a carrier oil of their choice.

Is Lavender Oil Good For Hair?

We know you might be wondering if you can use lavender essential oil for hair and if lavender Essential oil is good for hair or not. So, here are all the answers to your questions. First of all, lavender essential oil is a medicinal oil that has a wide variety of benefits for your health, hair, and skin. It is cultivated around the globe and fosters some astounding aromatherapy benefits as well. Since lavender Essential oil is loaded with sweet, subtle, and floral aroma because of its extraction from lavender flowers, it is widely used in several hair care and skin care products. Lavender Essential oil for hair holds some impressive benefits. Using Lavender oil for hair growth helps to renew and revitalize your scalp and also enhances the growth of baby hair on your scalp.

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Do you think that is all? Well not really! Lavender Essential oil helps to maintain your hair texture and also reduces the chances of hair fall which ultimately makes the hair growth process much easier. The benefits of Lavender oil for hair are countless and today will have a look at some of them.

Benefits Of Lavender Oil For Hair

Using lavender Essential oil for hair growth keeps your hair moisturized and nourished. Lavender oil for hair has been gaining immense popularity among haircare specialists mainly in salons. Today, we will look at some of the prominent benefits of using lavender essential oil for hair growth.

1. Nourishes Dry And Damaged Hair

How can we not talk about the benefits of Lavender oil for hair including nourishment of damaged hair? Yes, you heard it right Lavender Essential oil not only conditions your hair intensely but also adds a bunch of nutrition factors to your hair. While your hair might be damaged, dry, frizzy, and brittle all over, lavender essential oil comes to the rescue and hydrates your dry hair. You can massage lavender oil on hair and scalp to get healthy hair follicles.

2. Lavender Oil For Hair Growth Before And After

Lavender Essential oil for hair growth is now used in several carrier oils to add the aspect of hair growth. Many people wonder how to use Lavender oil for hair growth. Well, it is quite simple! You just have to add a few drops of pure lavender essential oil in a carrier oil of your choice. Lavender oil helps with hair growth solutions and it also cuts off the chances of hair fall to a great extent. Not only this but lavender oil is filled with essential vitamins and nutrients that help to boost the hair follicles. It promotes new hair growth and restricts the possibility of hair thinning. So, now you know that including Lavender oil for hair growth in your routine will bring in several benefits. It also helps to enhance the blood circulation in your scalp which leads to a prominent oxygen supply. It also increases the absorption rate of nutrients by hair roots and enhances your overall hair health.

3. Lavender Essential Oil For The Scalp

Did you know that lavender essentially works for your scalp and its treatment? Lavender Essential oil is loaded with antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties which is a much-needed advantage for your hair and scalp. All these properties of lavender Essential oil help to keep your scalp rid of fungal infections and bacterial growth. Incorporating Lavender oil for hair growth in your routine not only promotes baby hair but also tackles various scalp infections that give birth to dandruff. It helps to bid farewell to dandruff and other scalp issues.

4. Lavender Essential Oil Reduces Hair Fall

One of the major reasons why hair fall triggers is because of stress and anxiety. Due to the high cortisol level in the body, the hormone that is produced leads to intense hairfall. Lavender oil is known to be the best in aromatherapy as it relieves stress and reduces tension in the mind. Massaging lavender Essential oil on your scalp has a lot of advantages. It helps drastically to lower the cortisol levels in your body and thereby reduce stress which controls hair fall.

5. Lavender Oil For A Fresh Aroma

Apart from all the benefits that lavender essential oil provides for your hair, it also makes your hair smell great and fresh. Yes, you heard it right! There is a lot of sweat, dirt, and grime that resides on your scalp and leads to fungal growth and bacterial infection. This in turn makes your hair smell bad and oozes a foul odor.

How To Use Lavender Oil For Hair Growth?

How To Use Lavender Oil For Hair Growth?
Recipe 1 – Hair Growth Oil

Recipe 1 – Hair Growth Oil

  • Combining lavender Essential oil with a carrier oil, particularly kalonji oil helps to increase hair growth by two times.
  • It offers phenomenal results and ensures thick, healthy, and long tresses.

Recipe 2 – Scalp Treatment

  • For this recipe, you can simply combine a few drops of lavender Essential oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Also, add 5 to 6 drops of thyme oil.
  • Mix it well and massage it on your scalp for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Once done, wash it off after 2 hours with a mild shampoo.


The countless uses of essential oils are overwhelming. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to choose the best essential oil for hair growth. Lavender oil tops the list because of its versatility and incredible uses and benefits. However, make sure to use it properly and dilute it before usage. At Moksha Lifestyle Products, we offer 100% pure and high-quality essential oils that are free from toxins and chemicals. They are organic and steam-distilled. So, what are you waiting for? Place your orders now.

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1. Is lavender oil effective for hair growth?

Yes, it is. Lavender oil for hair growth works like a perfect remedy. However, you have to be consistent while using it to see visible results.

2. Which oil is best for hair fall?

A wide range of oils caters to the condition of hair fall. But, to choose one, you can go for Kalonji Oil or Sesame Oil. They help to reduce hair fall to a great extent and also promote hair growth.

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