
The Best Way To Make Vetiver Oil For Hair

Vetiver oil is a type of natural oil produced from the roots, endosperm, and rhizomes of the plant. It has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic medicine to cure asthma and it’s also now widely used for hair care. The roots of the vetiver plant have a deep woody aroma which gives it its unique fragrance and many other properties. It has great renewing properties on hair as well as being great for stress, anxiety, and depression relieving purposes. The best way to make vetiver oil is through the distillation of the essential oil from the roots. Distillation is a process by which you can extract impurities out of a mixture using an apparatus called a still. This allows you to create a purer form of vetiver essential oil. You can use this purer form in your hair to help with thinning hair issues such as alopecia or even for those who just want their hair to have more shine and luster. It should be noted that vetiver essential oil is also great for tonics and helps with many other natural treatments for the body. If you use it in a diluted form it can help with circulatory health issues, aid in digestive issues, reduce muscle tension, and even help with asthma. It’s very versatile so be sure to take some into your life for the best benefits!

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Benefits Of Using Vetiver Oil For Hair:

1) For Shiny Lustrous Hair

Vetiver oil is one of the best substances for giving you healthy and shiny hair. It contains natural compounds that help with the growth of thick shiny hair. If you have brittle or thinning hair, then this substance is a great way to make your hair appear healthy and full again!

2) For Dandruff Prevention

Dandruff can be caused by several different things so it’s hard to completely prevent it from happening. You might consider some prevention measures such as taking a cool shower instead of a hot one or using shampoos that have tea tree oil in them. However, if you want to improve your dandruff prevention cheaply and easily, then vetiver oil is one of the best substances you can use. It’s great for ridding your scalp of dandruff and it also has antifungal properties so it can help prevent other types of scalp issues.

3) For Oily Scalps

Many people don’t realize that oily scalps could also be caused by dandruff. If you don’t have dandruff, then the oiliness could be caused by hormonal changes, lack of proper nutrition, or even stress. If you want to improve your hair’s dryness and shine, then vetiver oil is a great substance to remove that waste product from your scalp so it doesn’t cause an oily scalp!

4) For Hair Growth

For those who want to grow their hair long and strong, vetiver oil is a great substance to help with the regrowth of healthy hair. It can encourage new hair growth in damaged and weak areas where the follicles aren’t connected properly. You can use it for the roots and ends of your hair as well as on the scalp itself for natural nourishment.

5) For Dandruff, Itchy Scalp, And Inflammation

Another reason why you’d want to use vetiver oil for hair is if you suffer from dry scalp issues or inflammation of the skin around the scalp. Many people who have these issues find that they’re able to get relief by using this substance on their scalp regularly. You’ll start seeing the results within a few days when it comes to itching and irritation!

6) For Hair Loss And Thinning

If you have major issues with hair loss or thinning of your hair due to stress, trauma, genetics, or other reasons then vetiver oil can help with this. It’s a great substance for revitalizing damaged follicles.

7) For Dandruff

If you have dandruff issues, vetiver oil is a natural way to help eliminate the skin problems that cause your scalp to itch and get irritated. If you’re dealing with issues of inflammation or even eczema around this area, then vetiver oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with those as well. You’ll find that your symptoms will be decreased greatly after a few days or weeks of usage depending on how often you apply it!

How To Make Vetiver Oil For Hair At Home?

How To Make Vetiver Oil For Hair At Home?

Step 1: You’ll need a few items to make vetiver oil. You’re going to need a glass bottle that can hold around 1 lb of substance. You’ll also need some olive or coconut oil. Heat your oil to about 200 degrees F and then add your vetiver root to the mixture. Stir the mixture for about 30 minutes and let it sit for another hour for the essential oils to seep into the oil. Strain the root out of the oil using a piece of cloth or some cheesecloth.

Step 2: After you’ve strained out your root, you’ll need to add about 10% essential oil to your mixture. You can use a diffuser to make this easier for you. You can also add around 4 drops of rosemary essential oils and 2 drops of sandalwood essential oils for an added effect to your hair care routine.

Step 3: Now that you’ve mixed all your ingredients, it’s time to apply them to your hair! If needed, then dilute it in warm water and apply with a spray bottle near the roots so you don’t waste any of the substance.

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Step 4: You’ll need to keep applying vetiver oil daily. This will help it seep into the scalp and nourish those follicles. After about a month you should start to see your hair growing back to its healthiest state!


1) Why should I use vetiver oil for hair?

Vetiver oil is very good for your hair. It’s excellent for healthy hair growth and can assist with thicker and more lustrous hair. It can also help with your dandruff issues as it has antimicrobial oils that will help kill the bacteria that cause dry scalp.

2) How do I use vetiver oil?

To apply to your hair, you’ll only need to dilute it in some warm water before applying it to the roots of your scalp. This will help with stress, trauma, genetics, or any other reason why you may have issues such as baldness or thinning of hair due to age or genetics. It will also nourish your scalp and hair follicles. You can also add it to some shampoo as well, just make sure that you’re not using too much as it may be a bit too strong. You may want to dilute your mixture before use.

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