Amla Oil for Hair Growth

Amla Oil for Hair Growth| How to use Amla Oil for Hair Regrowth

Have you wondered why our ancestors were blessed with such long, strong, and voluminous hairs? Because they were in the practice of oiling their hairs with natural oils which helps in strengthening their hairs from root to top. As per the traditional beliefs and the Ayurveda, the main ingredient responsible for growing and strengthening hair was Amla also known as Indian gooseberry. Yes, Amla oil extracted from Amla fruit, Amalaki plant was believed to be loaded with potent antioxidants, nutrients, and properties that have been contributing to hair growth for ages. Therefore, to discuss more on this miracle oil, we have dedicated the entire blog to the importance and benefits of Amla oil for Hair growth and how you can bring it into action by following some of the easy-to-do DIY recipes using Amla oil for hair thickness, strengthening, shine and more. So, keep reading to know more about this natural oil and how to use this for your hair health. 

Why consider Amla Oil for Hair Growth?

The seeds of the Phyllanthus Emblica, popularly referred to as the Amalaki tree, are used to make amla oil. It is a natural oil that is frequently used to maintain the health of hair. It is regarded as a miraculous ingredient utilized for growing strong, long hair and enhancing hair health, according to Ayurveda, an Indian medical discipline. It is fortified with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins C, A, and E, which help with cell regeneration and support healthy blood flow on the scalp. Amla oil also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities that aid in lowering scalp irritation, which in turn helps to control sebum production, prevent dandruff, and soothe an itchy scalp. Which makes it widely used as the main ingredient used in various hair care products. 

Let’s know more about this natural oil and how we can use it on our hair. 

Amazing Benefits Using of Amla for Hair Growth

Amla oil is one of the most versatile oils for encouraging healthy hair since it has been the remedy for all hair issues. Numerous health benefits are provided by its potent antioxidants and other nutrients. We may utilize pure amla oil benefits for any hair condition, from preventing dry scalp to curing baldness and promoting hair growth. Let’s learn more about amla oil for hairs in depth.

Treat Hair Fall problems: Amla oil is rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and polyphenols that help in enhancing blood circulation throughout the scalp to treat hair fall issues. It strengthens the fibers and eliminates the problem of hair fall by giving the hair follicles ample oxygen and nutrition. So it’s time to massage your hair with amla oil to stop hair loss difficulties.

Premature Greying Treatment: Nutritional deficiencies cause hair to become prematurely grey. Amla oil, which is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, protects the scalp and hair from sun exposure, which dulls and causes the hair to lose its luster. In addition, it shields hair from free radical-induced oxidative stress, which is the cause of early hair aging. The amla oil’s vitamin C content enhances hair’s natural color and gives dull hairs some gloss.

Promotes Hair Growth: Essential fatty acids found in pure amla oil enable it to penetrate hair follicles and make your hair more voluminous, lustrous, and strong. With its rich iron and carotenoid content, it fosters a healthy environment for the roots to develop, resulting in healthy hair. Amla oil may make your hair healthier and more durable if you use it in your daily hair care regimen.

Reduce Dandruff and Itching: Amla oil’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and vitamin C-rich composition aid in avoiding the development of dandruff and treating the root causes of the scalp itching. It aids in PH level restoration, creating a clean environment for hair follicles to thrive.

Defends the hair cuticle: Antioxidants in amla oil protect our hair from these many damaging external causes. The hair cuticle is the outermost layer of the hair strand, which acts as a shield and protects the hair from environmental dangers such as extreme heat, humidity, dirt, pollutants, harsh water, hairstyle technique, or any other external factors.

With all these amazing benefits of amla oil for Hair growth, it’s important to learn how to inculcate this medicinal oil in our health regimen. So, we have covered some of the interesting ways where you can use Amla oil and get blessed with healthy hair health naturally. 

Amazing Benefits Using of Amla for Hair Growth

DIY Recipes using Amla oil for Hair Growth 

Amla oil is versatile and suitable for all hair types, which means there are several ways in which we can take the benefits of natural Amla oil and use it to boost our hair health. So, why wait let’s get started and check out ways how we can use amla oil for hair thickness and more. 

Recipe1: Apply Amla Oil as a Hair Tonic 

You can use a few drops of amla oil as a hair tonic by massaging your scalp well after applying it. Before using, run a patch test. To guarantee excellent hair growth, you can also use this hair tonic frequently per week. Once applied, the hair tonic can stay in your hair all night. Additionally, Almond oil or Virgin coconut oil can be combined with amla oil.

Recipe2: Create a Hair mask with Amla 

Make a paste using water or oil, amla powder, and other ingredients. Spread it evenly over the scalp. To ensure that the paste gets to the skin of your scalp, massage it into the roots of your hair. Other Indian herbs like turmeric, bhringraj, and shikakai can also be used in equal amounts to create a fantastic nourishing scalp treatment. Amla hair packs should be applied for 30 to 40 minutes before being washed off with cold water.

Recipe3: Applying Amla Juice on Hairs 

For improved nourishment and results, you can simply apply some amla juice to your hair. Amla is readily available, and all it takes to apply its juice to your hair—especially the scalp—is a quick squeeze. For added smoothness and shine, include lemon juice. This will aid in general hair development when used three to four times a week.

Recipe4: Use as a pre-wash detangler

Apply the oil to unclean hair before shampooing as a pre-wash detangler. Make sure to detangle the hair thoroughly, and use the oil’s hydrating properties to help. If you don’t have time to let it sit in your hair, heat and activate the oil briefly with a resistant blow dryer before shampooing and taking a shower.

Things to keep in mind before using Amla Oil for Hairs 

  1. Thinking of purchasing all-natural Amla Oil or any other oil, always go for USDA-certified oil, they are top graded oils available in the market.
  2. Although Amla oil doesn’t come with any side effects, ensure that you perform a patch test before directly applying it to the skin or hair.
  3. If you are going with any skin or Hair allergies, it is recommended to consult your doctor before usage.


Amla oil holds various significance in Indian medical science, and Ayurveda because of its beneficial properties and active nutrients. The versatility of Amla oil for improving hair health has made it one of the best ingredients used in healing hair-related issues. If you are dealing with any hair issues, or even if your hairs are perfectly healthy, you can still use Amla oil for hair growth and improve your hair health for a long, using this miracle oil. Use Amla oil for hair thickness, dandruff removable, and premature greying to every hair-related problem. Today, give it a try and let us know what you thought of this natural oil and your experience in the comments below.


Does amla oil benefits hair? 

Amla oil is an antioxidant, hydrator, and anti-inflammatory that calms scalp inflammation, controls oil production and moisturizes and safeguards hair strands. 

Does amla oil speed up hair growth? 

Based on  short studies, Amla seems to be beneficial for preventing hair pathogens, enhancing hair thickness, and quality, and promoting hair growth.

Who should apply amla oil to hair? 

Amla oil would be suitable for all hair types and textures, according to our specialists at Moksha, although individuals with dry, brittle hair and oily scalps would benefit the most from it.

Can Amla Oil cause hair growth? 

The vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in amla, when applied topically, “boost the blood circulation in the scalp, which encourages the development of hair.” The scalp receives all the necessary nutrients and oxygen to remain healthy thanks to blood circulation. So, you can try this Ayurveda oil for healthy and strong hair. 

Can I combine amla oil and tea tree essential oil? 

Yes, the essential oil is proven to stimulate hair development by nourishing the roots and clearing up hair follicles. Take a few drops of tea tree oil, combine it with Amla Hair Oil, and massage the mixture into your scalp until it absorbs.

Where can I get the best quality Amla oil on the market?

Amla hair oil from the Moksha Lifestyle is one of the best natural oils available on the market. Made with the beneficial properties of amla, it will help heal and get rid of every hair problem. It’s Moksha amla oil delivered and started improving hair health today. 

You can visit their online store at or follow us on Instagram at @mokshalifestyle for daily updates.

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