
Bye-Bye Aphids: Essential Oils To The Rescue!

Aphids are little bugs that suck the life out of a plant. They can be found all over the world, but they’re especially annoying in warm weather months when they multiply rapidly and invade your garden. Essential Oils are here to save the day! Aphids are small insects that look like tiny green pearls on a stem or leaf. The number of this season’s aphid population may be small, but they can multiply rapidly in the following growing season. Aphids will jump to new plants and they attack your garden whether you have an infestation of them or not. They are not beneficial to the plant in many ways, because they cause damage to the plant’s foliage and root system as well as weakening it with their feeding suckers.

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These natural solutions work quickly and effectively without any harmful chemicals. Plus, because they’re made from plants themselves, most essential oils are also toxic to bugs like aphids. They prefer to feed on tender new growth of plants on hot sunny days. The problem with aphids is that they’re tiny so it can be hard to spot them. If you don’t spot them directly, they might be attracted by the sound or smell of nearby plants. Aphids leave their mark by leaving small telltale trails of droppings and high honey content in the middle of your garden. If you notice these telltale signs, look for a few green, web-like patterns that have been left behind by aphids.

Essential Oils For Aphids On Plants:

1) Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood essential oil is made from cedar trees, and it works like magic on aphids. It’s an essential oil that can be used in any form of dilution, making it one of the easiest essential oils to use. Cedarwood has a sweet aroma with a hint of spice.

2) Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Another highly effective insect repellent for aphids and other plant-feeding insects. Eucalyptus is made from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree and has a scent that is clean & minty with hints of peppermint.

3) Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is made from the leaves of the peppermint plant. It has a fresh, minty aroma that is great for repelling aphids from plants in your garden & home.

4) Spearmint Essential Oil

Spearmint is a closely-related type of mint that has become popular for its natural insect-repelling properties. You can also use peppermint and spearmint essential oils to repel aphids, but use them in a different form – an oil diffuser! Diffusing essential oils into the air around your garden will help to keep insects at bay and keep your plants healthy and bug-free.

5) Citronella Essential Oil

Citronella essential oil is made from the leaves of the citronella plant and is another essential oil that can be used as a natural bug-repellent for aphids. Citronella has a strong lemon-like aroma that makes it great for keeping aphids away from your plants when used in an oil diffuser.

6) Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass essential oil is made from the lemongrass plant, and it’s long been used as a natural insect repellent for aphids & other garden pests. Lemongrass is refreshingly tangy in scent with hints of citrus flavor.

7) Cedar Leaf Essential Oil

One of the best natural aphid repellents, Cedar leaf is made from the evergreen leaves of cedar trees. Straight cedar leaf essential oil has a strong woodsy scent that could be overwhelming if used in the wrong environment. However, it’s easy to dilute with a carrier oil like coconut or sunflower oil and use it on any plant in your garden.

8) Clove Essential Oil

Clove essential oil is made from the leaves of the clove tree and has been traditionally used as a natural insect repellent for aphids. Clove also offers plenty of other health benefits, including antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it one of the best solutions for keeping aphids away from your plants.

Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Woolly Aphids:

1) The oils are made from plants, so they’re non-toxic to humans and pets. Essential oils can be very potent, so when you apply them to your garden, it’s a good idea to wear gloves and dilute them with carrier oil.

2) Essential oils work quickly to repel aphids and other insects away from your garden & home because they naturally repel insects.

3) When used in an oil diffuser, essential oils can help repel aphids from plants in gardens & homes.

4) Diffusing essential oils in the air around your garden will help to keep insects at bay and keep your plants healthy and bug-free.

5) You can use essential oils mixed with drops of water to spray plants with a natural insect repellent that naturally repels aphids, whiteflies, & other insects away from the plant.

6) For aphids on fruit plants, a natural solution is to spray with diluted essential oils and then cover the plant with a clear plastic bag for about two hours.

7) You can also use diluted essential oils in cotton balls dipped into the water & placed on your plants to keep aphids & other insects away. Keep the cotton balls moist but not soggy.

8) Another solution is to wash the plant thoroughly with soap and water and then spray it generously with a floating solution of diluted essential oils. Allow the plant to dry completely before replanting.

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DIY Essential Oils Recipes For Aphids

DIY Essential Oils Recipes For Aphids

Recipe 1: Oil Mix For Killing Aphids



  • Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle or any other container with a screw-top lid.
  • Apply on the affected plant and wait for the oil to dry.

Recipe 2: Oil Mix For Killing Woolly Aphids


  • 4 tbsps of peppermint essential oil,
  • 5 drops of lemongrass essential oil,
  • 5 drops of cedarwood essential oil,
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil


  • Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle or any other container with a screw-top lid.
  • Apply on the affected plant and wait for the oil to dry.


1) What precautions should be taken before using essential oil for aphids on plants?

Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids. When using essential oils with plants, always wear gloves and use only a few drops at a time. Never apply them directly to the leaves or stem of your plants – always apply them to the soil, because essential oils can burn plant leaves when it’s applied too heavily.

2) Are Essential oils non-toxic for pets?

Essential oils aren’t generally toxic to cats, dogs, birds, or other pets but they should never be given undiluted straight on their fur or skin because they could lick it off and ingest too much. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them to pets.

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