In the era, where infections in your body take place every second one must think about the natural remedies to cure them before their spread. In this blog, we are focusing mainly on fever blisters which are also known as cold sores that usually emerge around your lips and their corners. It is like a viral infection that causes the buildup of fluid near your mouth and can be extremely uncomfortable. While fever blisters can heal over time without the need for proper prescribed treatment, it is necessary to take note of the best essential oils for fever blisters. Yes, you heard it right. Essential oils are a must-have to treat fever blisters at home without the use of any medications. Let’s check out more about fever blisters and the effectiveness of home remedies for fever blisters.
What Are Fever Blisters?
Fever blisters or cold sores are a common type of infection that develops around your lips. This is majorly triggered by the viral infection and sometimes due to herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2. Not only this but once these blisters break down it usually leads to an ugly situation around your lips which forms like a scab. One can include the best essential oils for fever blisters in their routine to heal them within a week or 10 days. In other cases, fever blisters almost take 3 to 4 weeks to heal completely without a scar.
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While fever blisters are not a contaminated disease they might spread from one person to another with close contact activities like kissing or sexual intercourse. So it is better to avoid these conditions and stick to the natural remedies for fever blisters that are essential oils. Let us explore the top 6 essential oils for fever blisters and their benefits in the long run.
Top 6 Essential Oils For Fever Blisters
1. Eucalyptus Essential Oil
The first in the list of best essential oils for fever blisters includes eucalyptus oil. Well, eucalyptus Essential oil serves as an ideal remedy to treat painful fever blisters. The Essential oil is rich in antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties which majorly minimizes the major effects of herpes simplex type 1 and 2. It also tackles the fungal infection around your mouth and assists in restricting the outbreak of blisters around the lips.
Using eucalyptus Essential oil for fever blisters and to tackle its symptoms can be a great natural remedy. To begin with, you can simply combine eucalyptus Essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it around the affected area. Make sure to not apply over the wound as it might lead to other problems.
2. Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree Essential oil the one which is loaded with exceptional qualities to treat inflammation and viral infection is a must-have for fever blisters. Yes, you heard it right tea tree Essential oil is rich in anti-inflammatory antibacterial, and anti-viral properties that immensely reduce the redness and inflammation associated with fever blisters. Not only this but it also treats inflamed areas the redness due to cold sores and promotes the recovery process. Studies have revealed that tea tree Essential oil is very important and concentrated and that’s why it must be used under proper guidance and supervision. Also one can dilute the Essential oil while using it for fever blis but that too after consultation with doctors. Atre Essential oil is rich in antiviral effects that is the scarf and also helps you get rid of the black spot that usually doesn’t fade away.
3. Lemon Balm Essential Oil
Did you know that there is something called lemon balm Essential oil which is very effective in treating fever blisters without any side effects? Well, that’s true. Lemon balm Essential oil has antioxidant antifungal and antibacterial properties which minimizes the outbreak of fever blisters around the mouth and also aids in the recovery process. Additionally, this Essential oil also promotes the healing of fever blisters and keeps the outer layer of your skin feeling soft and nourished.
Make sure to use lemon balm Essential oil 3 to 4 times a day to tackle the symptoms of fever blisters. It will also help to prevent the recurrence of fever blisters in the future.
4. Sandalwood Essential Oil
Let’s talk about the luxurious sandalwood Essential oil which has immense properties to deal with fever blisters and its major side effects. Sandalwood Essential oil is widely recognized because of its grounding properties and the earthy Aroma that usually helps to tackle stress, anxiety, and depression. In this case, sandalwood Essential oil effectively treats the problem of fever blisters or cold sores by attacking the bacteria that trigger them. Yes, you heard it right. Sandalwood Essential oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties which usually eliminate the virus that leads to fever blisters. Along with this, the rich Essential oil manages the major side effects of fever blisters like redness around the mouth extreme pain, upset stomach headache, and more.
5. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential oil has been in the industry since the beginning and has become a favorite for many people out there no wonder why people are obsessed with its effectiveness as it usually serves as a prominent natural remedy for fever blisters. If you are in the urge to find the best essential oils for fever blisters that instantly soothe the area and also diminish the outbreaks then lavender Essential oil might be a perfect option for you. The Essential oil provides quick and effective results by eliminating bacterial infection around the lips and mouth. Not only this but it also tackles the irritation around the mouth area, reduces blisters, diminishes redness, and eliminates the scars once the blisters are gone. However, in some cases, lavender Essential oil might be too strong for some people. So it is better to do a patch test and consult a physician before indulging in natural remedies like essential oils which are very strong.
6. Thyme Essential Oil
Let’s talk about one of the most used essential oils for fever blisters that is thyme Essential oil. Thyme Essential Oil is packed with antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antique microbial properties that usually tackle fever blisters and their major symptoms. Additionally, the essential oil is very strong and should be used after proper dilution to eliminate redness and inflammation associated with cold sores. It effectively disinfects the affected area and also keeps it feeling soothing and relaxing.
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We are finally nearing the end of the blog and we hope you find your favorite Essential oil to tackle those pesky and nasty fever blisters. These conditions are not very major and can be treated using the best home remedies for cold sores.