
Balanced Beauty: Best Essential Oils For Combination Skin Care

Skincare works as a natural healing agent for your skin and even improves your skin texture over time. If you are a regular follower of the Skin Care industry you might know about the benefits of using natural skin care products. In today’s era choosing skin care products depends on a particular skin type. Like oily skin people rely on gel-based and lightweight products while dry skin peeps refer to moisturizing and hydrating creams. But what about those who do not fall into the category of oily skin or dry skin? This is known as a combination skin type. Choosing skincare products can be quite exhilarating for this skin type. Because you need to learn about the hydration goals which product to choose and at what consistency. To tackle all these concerns today we will support the essence of nature which comes in the form of essential oils. The essential oils for combination skin are very powerful as they have antioxidants and other properties.

If you have a combination skin type and you want to cover yourself in a dosage of comfort that offers fruitful skin care benefits with no side effects and you are on the right track. The essential oils mentioned below are not only the best ones but are quite effective in their work. Combination skin people usually go through an oily T zone while the cheeks are dry and oily sometimes. In these cases, it is important to reconsider your skincare choices and explore the benefits of essential oils. Among all the remedies essential oils turn out to be a go-to solution for many people out there.

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No wonder combination skin types also suffer from various skin concerns like acne hyperpigmentation and dried cheeks. Thankfully not anymore. With the benefits of essential oils, you can be assured of regulating the sebum production in your skin why nurturing your skin with bundles of hydration. So are you ready to explore the best essential oils for combination skin?

Best Essential Oils For Combination Skin

1. Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Essential oil is probably one of the highly underrated essential oils when it comes to skincare benefits. The Essential oil works wonders to regulate the production of oil in your skin not only this but the Essential oil further helps the combination skin with its immense benefits. As per studies, geranium Essential oil balances the tease quite well while reducing the oiliness and hydrating the dry areas of the skin. To use geranium Essential oil for combination skin you can simply combine it with the carrier oil and use it on your entire face. Make sure that you are not allergic to essential oils or any particular oil for that matter.

2. Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood Essential oil, probably one of the best essential oils in the industry, has extreme cooling benefits. As per studies conducted in 2017, researchers have demonstrated that sandal would Essential oil is a highly antibacterial and antiviral ingredient. Not only this but the Essential oil also possesses anti-inflammatory properties which majorly reduce blemishes from their skin and help to even the skin tone. It works exceptionally well for combination skin types and helps reduce aging signs. Studies have concluded that the Essential oil is great for Acne-prone skin people as well. To use sandalwood Essential oil for combination skin you can simply combine it with avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, or even sweet almond oil and apply it on the dry areas of your skin.

3. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Another Essential oil that has powerful properties and is known for its enticing effects is Eucalyptus Essential oil. Eucalyptus oil prominently helps to tackle various respiratory issues. But little did people know that Essential oil also performs well in tackling combination skin types while treating itchiness and irritation of the skin. As per a recent study, the results have revealed that eucalyptus Essential oil clears the inflammation reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and also keeps the skin soft and oil free. If your skin is extremely early at the T zone make sure to include eucalyptus Essential oil in your routine.

4. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree Essential oil has been known for ages because of its medicinal and antiseptic benefits. Also, did you know that tea tree oil for oily skin has exclusive advantages for your skin? Well not only for oily skin type but it works best for combination skin peeps. Tea Tree Essential Oil has various properties that combat bacterial infection on the skin, tackle acne and pimples, and reduce the toxins in your T zone.

5. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential oil is probably one of the most versatile Essential oils and works as an all-in-one solution for your skin. Are you wondering how? Well, the Essential oil essentially tackles wounds itchiness, and inflammation on your skin. Studies have also revealed that lavender Essential oil has calming and soothing properties that tackle combination skin issues and also reduce stress and anxiety.

6. Rose Essential Oil

Rose Essential Oil

Another Essential oil that might not be in your thoughts but is an absolute must-have for combination skin is Rose Essential oil. Rose Bulgarian Essential oil majorly works on the dryness of your skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally rose essential oil is packed with skin nourishing vitamins and nutrients that majorly help you build at home and a natural skin care routine. Studies have claimed that rose Essential oil moisturizes dry skin and the chemical composition effectively reduces dry circles, balances combination skin type, and also offers a floral and exotic Aroma.

7. Frankincense Essential Oil

If you are looking for an Essential oil that has skin-benefiting qualities and also works well for combination skin peeps then frankincense Essential oil might help you. Yes, probably one of the most effective essential oils for combination skin types as it hosts an array of skincare benefits. Additionally, the Essential oil also reduces the science of aging and tones your skin while offering a lifted appearance. Not only this but Franckincense Essential Oil also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that heal various skin concerns including age spots, fine lines, acne, moles scars, and dry skin.

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We are nearing the end of the series of the best essential oils for combination skin type and we hope you find your perfect match from the ones mentioned above. Essential oils are truly a savior for any skin type be it combination, oily, acne-prone, or dry skin. Always make a clear choice and select high-quality and 100% pure essential oils from Moksha Lifestyle.

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